look at all this....stuff

i started thinking, what would i as a pregnant woman want to know if i could go back and tell myself about all the stuff that is "required" with a baby?

when you go into a baby store it's divided into several sections. first there's the buy this or your baby will die section. this is full of drawer latches, locks, and sleep devices that monitor temperature and send it to an app on your phone. then there's the buy this or your baby won't be as cool an everyone else's baby section. this is full of clothes or even toys that will make them smarter than everyone else. then there are the necessities - wipes, diapers, food items, etc. it can be difficult to weed through all of this to determine what you REALLY need. so here are the things that i've really liked having. 

1) one piece zip up foot pjs. because in the middle of the night buttons suck. they will get misaligned. it will aggravate you. not only that but your husband will not know what buttons go where. they start out at the top all confident and proud. but when they get to the crotch of that thing and some buttons go down one leg and some go down the other it's a disaster. zippers are easy and make everyone feel great about dressing baby.

2) diapers with a wetness indicator. they will cost more but when you see that blue line without having to wake your baby, you'll appreciate the extra price. we are currently using member's mark from sam's club. not so bad. 

3) SOPHIE THE GIRAFFE. this is a $30 giraffe toy. looks like a dog toy. you will think it is over priced. i think it is over priced. but josiah thinks it is priceless. he is in love with her. he sits for hours and flirts with this giraffe. he tells her jokes and uses witty pick up lines like "are those spots you are wearing or are you just happy to see me?" he nibbles on her antlers or horns or whatever you call those on a giraffe and whispers sweet nothings in her ears. and when he passes gas in front of her he's embarrassed even though those big eyes of hers never pass any judgement on him. it's ridiculous. but you have to have one.

4) kiinde bottle system - the bottle warmer is top notch and uses warm water rather than steam. it has never over heated the milk. ever. the nipples according to the lactation consultant were the magic nipples she's been looking for. they force correct latching behavior and if you have someone who clamps down with a vice grip, they can't do this. josiah can turn a nipple inside out, but not this one.  

now there's some debate over the bags. first they aren't that much more price wise than any other bags and have more uses. you can use breast milk or formula or even put baby food in them. that makes it worth it. 

the screw on cap makes it worth it. liquid in a ziplock bag is a mess waiting to happen. 

the measurements can be challenging. if you are using them to pump directly into its hard to get the measurement right. it was best to collect in a separate container and combine it into the measurements that i wanted before pouring into the bag. 

however, if you use formula - perfection. put in the amount of powder you want, dump in the water you want, massage to mix to prevent bubbles and you're in business. 

5) a video camera with sound for the nursery. we use the nest which is actually a home security system with an app for your phone. you can spy on your kid to see if he's asleep. it's also fun during nap time to watch them talk to themselves before they fall asleep. and at night to see if you really need to go in there or not. 

6) disposable changing pads. because of the poop. see the last entry. 

7) fisher price rock n play. you will want your kid to sleep near you for the first bit. this thing folds away with ease and has an app on your phone where you can control the rocking or songs or vibration. we still use this when he's extra fussy even though he's transitioned to the crib.

8) a carrier that you can wear. however do not buy this until AFTER you have a baby. you can actually take your baby to the women's birth and wellness center in chapel hill and both of you can try on every carrier out there with help from folks in their boutique. sometimes they even have baby wearing classes. because what you think you like, will be different than what you actually like.

i was fortunate enough to get a moby wrap and a ring sling from sarah my sister in law. we also had a hand me down baby bjorn. then the wrestling parents got us a boba. so i had 4 to experiment with.

at first i thought i would love the moby but once the baby came it never felt secure. once it got so tangled up while i was wearing it i couldn't get out. which is a shame because it was comfortable to wear. the soft fabric felt nice on my back. i have some friends that sport them daily. i really wanted it to work out.

the ring sling freaked me out at first. i just knew i would never use it. and now, we'll it's the easiest one for me to use. quick, easy, light weight, it can go anywhere. and in the summer a nice light weight linen keeps rivers of sweat away.

the boba is also a favorite. quick to put on, you don't have to tie anything and it will instantly put josiah to sleep. tula is another brand with cool designs and a little softer. i'd like to try one of those. josiah and i use the boba frequently at home when we have 80's dance parties. he's a giant fan of huey lewis and the news.

and for aaron, the only thing that has fit him or that he feels comfortable using is the baby bjorn. in fact, he took josiah to his first wrestling camp and wore him in that thing the whole time. the baby bjorn stays in daddy's car.

and really is anything more attractive than your wrestling coach husband wearing your 8 week old in a baby bjorn and feeding him a kiinde bag (not in the bottle holder) next to a wrestling mat talking with other coaches about some guy's crazy wizzer?

i don't think so. back off ladies. the big guy and the baby are both mine.
